“How do I reeech deez kids?”

Okay, I’ve been kicked in the head by the spirit, this is truly something I wanted to get out and share. It has something to do with my child and how he learns. It’s summer true but since I home school Skylar I tend to keep him going with something besides video games.  Today I wanted him to do some activity in his Brain Quest Workbook and chose a page for him to do. And right from the start here comes the frowny face. ” Mom I don’t wanna do this!” But being the stubborn “You gonna be educated” raised mom I was i refused to backdown on his education. My only problem with Skylar was “Is my child grasping this?” Am I really over my head with making sure he is getting his education ? My mom worries about her little Sky, and that I am doing him wrong by denying him public education. You see my son Skylar is a special young man. His development, one doctor said  my child was behind by 18 months mentally…hmmm . Soo he’s gonna remain childish and full of imagination? So my mother feels he’s a little slow. (laughing) “Mom, I assure you that this child exists in a different plane than us!” He learns differently. Some call it Asperger, I call him my Awesome Aspie! His learning style is different true, but he is not malfunctioning in anyway mentally, He’s just wired differently and understands on a different level.  I’m new at this and want to fit the standards for education like reading writing , Scripture and math, but we let him choose how he can add to that.” She looked at me as if I was crazy. Shook her head then left the room mumbling about “That child’s not gonna be able to take care of himself if something happens to you two.” …Sounds Morbid huh? She thinks he can’t make change at a grocery store and tie his shoes..but we love her and those issues have been taken care of thank you very much!  Well instead of getting upset about her opinion of my mothering skills, I began to think of how my son learns and is he retaining anything he has learned. Back to Skylar doing some type of work in the book, I noticed his body language and his face about doing it in the book. Mention any type of “school” anything sends him into a complete body cringe! He does what he’s told but boy is he not happy about it. Some would say  That’s right he should do school work to prove he is learning something..cause uh you know he’s special… Yeah I get things like that from folks but I just smile and say to my self You have No Idea how awesome and blessed my child is!  Anyway things got quite for a while. My hubby sitting near me playing his COD3 and here at the computer scrolling twitter I listen to my son sniffeling in the background looking upset and disgruntled. What was going on in his swirling brain? was it too much for him? No I would say quite that. He is short on words by choice and him saying I don’t want to do that, he meant he wanted to do something else. I kept my face to the screen as he sighed and called for his dad. Dad came to his son and Skylar spoke. ” I have a problem dad. I was working on my Five Nights at Skylars game design. You see when you stopped me from playing any FNAF WORLD, fan games and I was doing the coding for it!”  It seems “coding” is a learning trigger for him. He can function mathematically in his head as he adjusts the coding in his game to make it work as he likes. So long story short..without further fuss he happily returned to his programming and my husband and I were satisfied that he was stimulating his brain!

I had to share this

Face Matters


bitmoji-20160122072113Let me begin this by stating that I am not vain about my appearance . I am grateful to Yah that I am alive and thriving each and everyday. I laugh at myself all of the time. I took this long to post the pictures of my experience with an allergic reaction only because I know that once they are released to the public, some people’s reactions and comments might be..interesting.  I still laugh and cringe when I look at them and think wow that’s me??

From September 5th 2013 to September, 15th 2013, My husband , son, and I were traveling from Springfield,Oregon to Branson Missouri to help his mom and sister move to California. We traveled by bus ( good ol Greyhound) to Las Vegas to drop of our child with my mom. Then J and I traveled by bus to Missouri for three days. The trip was awesome. A grand adventure, but there was a small problem. I suffer from eczema on occasion. It can happen at anytime and I am aware of the triggers that cause it( poor diet, stress etc.). I noticed the itching began around my neck and face once we got to our destination but I did not let that bother me. I bought some Burt’s Bees Herbal balm to soothe the irritation then enjoyed my trip. Once we arrived in California things got better so I thought nothing else of it. I was on my way back to Las Vegas to get our son. We rode the bus back to Oregon and while on the bus I started to itch again. the balm didn’t work anymore so I used a baby wipe(big mistake) to clean my face.Then the fun began! I get home, and the first thing I did was call my mom. I told her about the itching and what I did to relieve it. She suggested that it might be a fungus and to put antibiotic on the area. Well my silly butt went into our medicine cabinet and got out a questionable dated tube of ointment and applied. This began the progress you see below.

My skin began to seep and swell within hours! I was fascinated! (yes I am a strange one!) My face itched and seeped so bad it stuck to my pillow! Yes gross! Later that night my husband was frantic and insisted a trip to the ER was in order. So I went. The first thing the nurses in triage ask me was ” Are you in any danger?” I guess I looked like I was in a fight with my husband. I smiled and said ” No I am not. If he did this he wouldn’t be standing here now!” After a series of questions and shocked reactions from people seeing my face, we come to determine that I had an allergic reaction to the antibiotic. They gave me a shot of prednesone to make sure I could breath, then gave me some steroids to reduce the swelling.

Heading to Hospital

I guess the shot worked because the swelling started to go down as quickly as it started.

I giggle as I see these because even now as I post my husband is freaking out! Let it be known that these pictures are my personal property, and anyone caught copying these pictures will be found out and dealt with! I know people! I figure if anyone is going to make fun of me it would be me doing it.. Anyway the process was really fast in healing my skin. I am a fanatic about natural herbal remedies so while I did take the medication orally ,I still had to deal with my skin’s appearance. I did research on my skin condition and followed some suggestions. One suggestion I did not follow was to keep my skin dry!! As you can clearly see I am a woman of color. I do not do dry!! I took hot showers to exfoliate as much as possible! I would literally stay under the hot jets and allowed my skin to get prune mode to loosen the skin ,then I used baking soda and coconut oil as a face scrub to take away the scabby mess. Shea butter became my new friend as well. I made a mask out of avocado and honey and the results were amazing! I did the scrub and mask religiously for the next two weeks!

It still amazes me! When my skin finally calmed down I thought it was over but you see eczema is mean and ornery!! I had to return again to the ER for swelling but thank the Father it was not as bad as before! Just my eczema not an allergic reaction.It did leave some scarring but that was taken care of with my regimen.


I refused to give up! Prayer works too!! The images above show where I scratched the most. So now its 2016 and the eczema has spared my face but moved to my hands and backside …. ( no pictures sorry !) I am 46 and loving the skin I am in. It took courage for me to post this but I wanted to let people know about this one ordeal I went through. I am a child of the Most High and when Yahshua says He Heals!! He Heals!! ~ Shalom! 


property of queenreborn


This day I will remember for the Rest of My Life.


On Sunday October 10,2010, I did the most stupidest thing that has happened to me so far. That is I don’t keep track that often but this dumb thing should have been common sense. That day I was already feeling low because some friends ( really?) were in town for a wedding and I did not get invited. Okay so I have not spoken to them for almost 20 years( since high school) but still I talk to them on Facebook and talk to them once in a while but ….. enough of that anyway I was home with my husband just relaxing when I got hungry and wanted to try this organic soup that I just bought on sale. Cuban Black Bean Bisque.. yummy! I placed the container in  the microwave and heated it up as normal. This is where the stupid part comes in.

I Already know the soup is hot okay? But why would I try to take it out of the microwave without an oven mitt or a towel or something? The container was open at the top to vent it, and the way I grabbed it was okay. It was the steam that hit my hand causing me to drop the soup. My microwave is above the stove , so it was a pretty good drop! When it landed on the stove, the law of motion cause a splash back that came up and smacked me in the face! The Left side of my face, near my mouth and chin area. Thank the Goddess I could not read the small print on the box that day, because if did have my glassed on, I would have damaged my eye as well. The eyeglass lense and my skin were coated with a really thick and boiling hot mess of soup.

Now I discovered a few things that I did not know about that day. My sweet hubby was passed out on the couch and even though I was not loud in my gasps of pain and cuss words, he(who claims he is a  light sleep!) did not move one inch! I washed off the soup right away and kept wetting my hand and my face over and over. I did not rub because I did not want to take off skin. In the bathroom moments later I looked and damage in the mirror accessing gently and applying more cold water. After 20 minutes of this I could not take the pain anymore so I finally woke up so I could get some sympathy! Boy was the wait worth it! My man jumped up and asked me what happened. He then cooed to me while he looked through a natural healing book and asked me to put ice on it to keep the burn away.

Then we find out that Ice was NOT good for a burn! So now what? ONION yes Onion slices applied directly to the skin and held there for 15 mins at the time take the burn away almost immediately. I found so much relief when I placed a slice of onion on my face I started to cry. But the relief didn’t last long. Then I remembered a great antiseptic in my cupboard, Honey. I told him to mash up a fresh slice then slather it with honey. It made a goopy mess but that concoction and cold water on a cloth I held to my face did the trick! The burn, after a total of 2 hours of pain, cooled down enough for me to apply a triple anti-biotic ointment all over the burn area. Blistering happened right away and I left them alone. Blisters are your natural bandage as your skin repairs itself so I don’t touch them!   Sleeping that night was horrible! I had a toothache on my right side and the burn on my left! I slept on my back that night. Wednesday I had oral surgery on three teeth on the right side! So I was a mess! The Surgeon saw my skin and told me to never let it get dry. Keep it moist with the ointment to prevent scarring. So religiously I applied the anti biotic o my face chin and neck where were burns. Today I do have dark discolorations on my face where the soup stuck the longest. I have a Joker like smile on that side because the mark extends past my lip seam. Snapshot_20101113_1(camera phone photo)

I kept a positive attitude and had no shame about my face going in public. I got stares because the ointment was shiny on my face and it is bright here in Las Vegas. I wore no makeup and applied vitamin e to my face to enjoy the sun’s healing energy. I also smoked a lot to take my mind of of the surgery and the pain from the burn. Any body that asked I would tell my dee dee dee story and let them know that onion and honey work together to draw the heat out of the skin.

I healed pretty quick. Pink skin turned back to my beautiful brown skin. I still carry the marks of my stupidity  on my face but in time they will fade as well. Sooooo what did we learn???? use the damn towel or oven mitt when you take stuff out of the microwave!

Brightest Blessings


Freedom from Pain

The preamble to
Nevada’s medical marijuana law states: The state of Nevada as a sovereign state has the duty to carry out the will of the people of this state and regulate the health, medical practices and well-being of those people in a manner that respects their personal decisions concerning the relief of suffering through the medical use of marijuana.” A separate provision requires the Nevada School of Medicine to “aggressively” seek federal permission to establish a state-run medical marijuana distribution program.

  Marijuana has at least 18 well documented medical uses: glaucoma reliever, anti nausea agent, appetite stimulus and digestive normalizer, bronchodilator, antihypertensive, antiepileptic, treatment for degenerative nerve diseases, treatment for muscle spasms, pain reliever, antibiotic, treatment for autoimmune and inflammatory conditions, anticancer agent, antidepressant, a cure for migraines, enhancer of empathy and sexual desire, an aid in menstruation, pregnancy, and childbirth, a hypnotic relaxant and sleep inducer, and an aid to withdrawal from more debilitating drugs. It may also be an antiviral, an anti-diabetic, a help with hepatitis C, and the best treatment of all for genuine cases of attention deficit disorder. Its usefulness, low cost (if legal), and complete safety threaten pharmaceutical empires.

Nevada’s medical marijuana law also does not provide for a legal means of supplying marijuana. The law does not address the issue of whether or not patients can form collectives or cooperatives. Patients and caregivers should avoid consulting with law enforcement before forming a collective or cooperative

My Journey began with the birth of my son….. Nah before that when I was a teen. You see I have had terrible pain in my knee joints since high school. I coped as others have, by taking lots of ibuprofen, and other anti-inflammatory medications. I have been in knee braces and had crutches to hobble along with. Over the years I had taken the ibuprofen so much I had developed a stomach ulcer. By 18 a doctor informed me that I will develop arthritis in my spine! Let’s push ahead, my daughter is born in 1992. By then I was fine, working and going to school to get a better job. 10 years later I am worn out as a certified nursing assistant. My back was shot and my knees were like rubber. I resigned and became a cooperate slave for a few years. During the pregnancy of my son in 1994 I was introduced to the concept of pot for pregnancy. See I was brainwashed just like others into thinking pot was bad for you and since it’s illegal, I wanted to stay away. Upon research though I found out its medical properties and I was floored by all the benefits this one little plant provides. The cannabis seed itself is very nutritious so during pregnancy I chewed some seeds! No I did not get high from the seeds! They have a real nutty taste like a cashew. For nausea and morning sickness I used a vaporizer to medicate myself. This was an easy decision for me because, my baby sat right on my peptic ulcer, and when he moved I was sick! The pain would be so bad I had to be hospitalized twice before my son was born. Pepcid became my best friend for a short time. When I smoked on vapor the weed and took a few puffs the pain was eliminated, my appetite returned and even drinking water didn’t hurt! During delivery I cheated and had an epidural inserted before they did the c-section. I healed pretty quickly but my spine felt like cheese! I mean to say that any jerky movements on my part and I would feel my spinal joints in my lower parts shift! That is painful! Now combine that with the knees, the arthritis in my back and hips, oh and the muscle spasms I have from time to time and yes I am one fucked up individual!

Here we are 5 years later and I have trouble with stairs, rainy days I can barely move, and during the winter you can forget about expecting too much from me and activity. It hurt too much. This year is a new year though and a lot has happened for pot and its journey to be legal again.

So here in Nevada I find out that I can qualify for a medical marijuana patient license…..your kidding right? You are serious?! Ok I am loving the idea to be able to smoke, eat, and vaporize pot! I love herbs so it is going in my medicine cabinet with my other herbals! Here in Las Vegas there was not a very legal way to get the weed. I did not like the dealers or some of the potheads I associated with to smoke. They for the high me for the medicinal effects. I liked the high too, but when I smoke I prefer to be around people that want to accomplish things and create! I can handle a few “dudes” along the way, but I really prefer to be around intellectuals. Stuck up huh? Nope not for me. To me different strands have different effects that are really positive. I feel really free with my prescription and when the license comes in I will be relieved! On stating this I am a medical marijuana patient advocate. I believe that I and others have the right to self medication as well as recreational use. I have found many people in this state that needed help in finding a compassionate physician and care facility that will give them the care and knowledge they need.

I found a top notch dispensary here in Las Vegas. You do have to make an appointment to see the Doctor. They are intelligent potheads so they are very aware of any fakers out there trying to get licensed just for the hell of it. To those that are fakers, be patient! We are working for the same goal in making cannabis legal for everyone!

Brightesd Blessings!

Queen Reborn






Cannabis Cures Cancer…Duh!

I started smoking and ingesting cannabis now for about 5 years. I found that it helps tremendously with my chronic back pain, my muscle spasms and dulls the pain in my spine, hips and knees. I became an advocate for medical patients in Nevada because of the benefits I received I wanted to help others in pain get relief. It has been a struggle, for many people to be legal and be allowed to self medicate themselves. I find there are a lot of people out there who do not know their options to become pain free. I was looking through different sites for information and came across this video. There is a woman on here named Sheryl Shuman who announced to the council her pending death if some laws were not changed. You go Sheryl! May you be blessed and healed!

Hemp oil cures cancer? That is great news! Um does anyone else know about this? I mean it is a wonderful cure resurrected after so long, and our government won’t acknowledge it? WTF!!!! This should not be about the money that can be made to keep us sick. It should be about helping the human race. Oh I forgot…. Our population is too big as it is maybe they want people to be sick and die off so the population would decrease….hmm.

Cannabis Deficient???

This an entry to the NORML.org Blog I found interesting. Until I figure out how to add my url I will give them more credit. This is by Paul Armentano, NORML Deputy Director. I just changed the picture of the medicine.


For several years I have postulated that marijuana is not, in the strict sense of the word, an intoxicant.

As I wrote in the book Marijuana Is Safer: So Why Are We Driving People to Drink? (Chelsea Green, 2009), the word ‘intoxicant’ is derived from the Latin noun toxicum (poison). It’s an appropriate term for alcohol, as ethanol (the psychoactive ingredient in booze) in moderate to high doses is toxic (read: poisonous) to healthy cells and organs.

Of course, booze is hardly the only commonly ingested intoxicant. Take the over-the-counter painkiller acetaminophen (Tylenol). According to theMerck online medical library, acetaminophen poisoning and overdose is “common,” and can result in gastroenteritis (inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract) “within hours” and hepatotoxicity (liver damage) “within one to three days after ingestion.” In fact, less than one year ago the U.S. Food and Drug Administration called for tougher standards and warnings governing the drug’s use because “recent studies indicate that unintentional and intentional overdoses leading to severe hepatotoxicity continue to occur.”

By contrast, the therapeutically active components in marijuana — the cannabinoids — appear to be remarkably non-toxic to healthy cells and organs. This notable lack of toxicity is arguably because cannabinoids mimic compounds our bodies naturally produce — so-called endocannabinoids — that are pivotal for maintaining proper health andhomeostasis.

In fact, in recent years scientists have discovered that the production of endocannabinoids (and their interaction with the cannabinoid receptors located throughout the body) play a key role in the regulation of properappetiteanxiety controlblood pressurebone massreproduction, andmotor coordination, among other biological functions.

Just how important is this system in maintaining our health? Here’s a clue:In studies of mice genetically bred to lack a proper endocannabinoid system the most common result is premature death.

Armed with these findings, a handful of scientists have speculated that theroot cause of certain disease conditions — including migraine, fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome, and other functional conditions alleviated by clinical cannabis — may be an underlying endocannabinoid deficiency.

Now, much to my pleasant surprise, Fox News Health columnist Chris Kilham has weighed in on this important theory.


Are You Cannabis Deficient?

via Fox News

If the idea of having a marijuana deficiency sounds laughable to you, a growing body of science points at exactly such a possibility.

… [Endocannabinoids] also play a role in proper appetite, feelings of pleasure and well-being, and memory. Interestingly, cannabis also affects these same functions. Cannabis has been used successfully to treat migraine, fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome and glaucoma. So here is the seventy-four thousand dollar question. Does cannabis simply relieve these diseases to varying degrees, or is cannabis actually a medical replacement in cases of deficient [endocannabinoids]?

… The idea of clinical cannabinoid deficiency opens the door to cannabis consumption as an effective medical approach to relief of various types of pain, restoration of appetite in cases in which appetite is compromised, improved visual health in cases of glaucoma, and improved sense of well being among patients suffering from a broad variety of mood disorders. As state and local laws mutate and change in favor of greater tolerance, perhaps cannabis will find it’s proper place in the home medicine chest.

Perhaps. Or maybe at the very least society will stop misclassifying cannabis as a ‘toxic’ substance when its more appropriate role would appear to be that of a supplement. Paul Armentano, NORML Deputy Director 


A Most Interesting Obituary

Today we mourn the passing of a beloved old friend, Mr. Common Sense.

Mr. Sense had been with is for many years. No one knows for sure how old he was since his birth records were long ago lost in bureaucratic red tape.

He will be remembered as having cultivated such value lessons as knowing when to come in out of the rain, why the early bird catches the worm and that life isn’t always fair. Common Sense lived by simple, sound financial policies (don’t spend more than you earn) and reliable parenting strategies (adults, not kids, are in charge).

His healths began to rapidly deteriorate when well intentioned but over bearing regulations were set in place. Reports of a 6 year old boy charged with sexual harassment for kissing a classmate; teens suspended from school for using mouthwash after lunch; and a teacher fired for reprimanding an unruly student, only worsened his condition.

Mr. Sense declined even further when schools were required to get parental consent to administer aspirin to a student; but would not inform the parents when a student became pregnant and wanted to have an abortion. Finally, Common Sense lost the will to live as the Ten Commandments became contraband; churches became businesses; and criminals received better treatment then their victims.

Common Sense finally gave up the ghost after a woman failed to realize that a steaming cup of coffee was hot, she spilled a bit in her lap, and was awarded a huge financial settlement.

Common Sense was preceded in death by his parents, Truth and Trust, his wife, Discretion; his daughter, Responsibility; and his son,Reason. He is survived by two stepbrothers; Idonomy Rights and Ima Whiner. Not many attended his funeral because few realized he was gone. If you still remember him, mourn him; if not, join the majority and do nothing.

Water Can Be Conscious of Our Thoughts!

Water can be conscious of our thoughts! The Power of prayer, positive and negative thoughts made visible. Wow! To think that we can change the way our water is received is really cool! Can you imagine what it could do for your plants and herbs used for medicine! I get really excited thinking that along with a water ionizer/purifier, our good and positive thoughts could make a tremendous difference in one’s health! I was doing some research a while ago on ionizer’s and whether they worked or not. I am a HUGE skeptic when it comes to purchases. If your product does not do what it claims then you should not be I business okay!

Anyway I stumbled across an interesting site that claims their machine is soo good, that with proper hydration you can clean out your colon till it is pink again. Your skin will clear up from certain dermal like problems. It claims to put oxygen back in your cells making water absorb to your cells at faster rate. Like I said I am skeptical. You see I already know there is chorine and fluoride (UH..BOTH TOXIC FOLKS…do your research!!) So I am concerned about this ionizer cleaning those out more than adding in more oxygen! One of my girlfriends’s needed a place to stay for a week till she found someplace else to go. She brought in this machine that she says she could not live without. The machine came from a company called Enagic. The water was called Kangen water and she said this will change your life.

Come on! It’s water! Just water! But oh know see my girl is a true health nut so I took a galleon test, well actually three. I tried the ph balanced water for drinking (8.5ph), the beauty water for my dry skin (5.5ph) and the Acidic water the machine produces that kill germs, as well as remove residual pesticides from fruits and vegetables!!(2.5ph). After the test I was hooked. I ordered on. They are a bit pricey and you go through a distributor to purchase this brand. But Baby it will be worth it in the long run! I stopped drinking soda (cola, pop). My skin is clearing up (I have eczema really bad) and I felt energy! So happy emotions, proper ph balanced water can be beneficial to you and yours! Oh check out this video on water and emotions I found it is eye opening!




Brightest Blessings!

I am Queen Reborn. I am a Mother, I worship the Goddess, and I am adored by my Husband.
I created this blog to help others find relief from pain. I am an Advocate for Medical Cannabis. I can direct those seeking help to the proper establishment that is compassionate to their needs. I decided to post some articles and suggestions to this blog for readers to go to and do their own research. I am here to help. I believe in Natural Medicine and Remedies. I am a spritual person and welcome all to my blog.
From time to time I will post artilcles and videos of interest to me that I want to share with the world! Ways to take take care of yourself and protect yourself will be posted as well. Hodgepodge is my motto! As I learn to navigate this blogging world, I hope I can help others as well. Brightest Blessings and come back often, you never know what you may find!

They have asked me twice for permission to poison my child!

Yeah the title is tricky! The they is the school district. You see my child is in elementary school. Twice the school has sent me a package that looked all friendly and colorful, asking me to allow the health district to inject the H1N1 vaccine into my child….. Hell no!! You see there is a right I have as a parent to protect my child from harm. I believe in my opinion that this vaccine is harmful to my child and I will not allow it. My beef with this is that this vaccine is too new. It hasn’t been tested and if you look closely to the fine print they don’t know what will happen to you in the long run or if it’s safe. It’s free to my child’s school and that is fine and all. But I think my kid is going to have to stay home for a week after these other children get injected. The reason is in the fine print as well. Anyone receiving the nasal mist should stay away from others for at least a week because they are contagious with the H1N1…. Vaccines in general tick me off because of the mercury found in them. I tell you what look it up for yourself. I have an excellent reference I found from this guy in a mask!! check this out then you decide if you made a mistake in poisoning your children and yourself or if you decided that we as humans are adaptable and can fight this ourselves.